Saturday, February 05, 2011

Picture [Sheryl Crow & Kid Rock]

So, yet another snow day yesterday - Dallas got 5" of snow, OMG can U believe it?!?!

Anyway - I took a break from playing all those video games to spend some time "organizing" files and whatnot on the computer. Since college, I've amassed a collection of probably 100+ CDs of pure junk. many of them are duplicate copies of in-progress portfolio files, misc word documents, etc. Some of them came from driving back and forth to St.L to visit KTO while I was in school. I didn't trust jump drives (or flash drives, or pin drives, or whatever term you use) so I would burn a disc, dump it onto her computer, then burn a new one to go home with. crazy, I know.

As for the files and info, I haven't needed any of it recently, but I like to double/triple/quadruple check before I just junk them. So, when I moved to Dallas I brought them all with me, and I told myself I would finally organize and sort them. I haven't really done that thus far, and I haven't done it today or yesterday. What I did do, though, is go through and dump all the various stuff into a folder on my computer, which I then sorted into a few folders to burn new CDs or DVDs. So while I haven't yet gotten rid of any files, I have reduced the quantity of disks. There is a pile of CDs on the floor that I intend to scratch up, then pitch them. Or stack them neatly and see if I can find a place to recycle them or something.

What is amazing is that in all those discs, there are tons and tons of copies of the exact same files - date and size the same, no changes. just stuff I felt the need to duplicate over and over. I have a DVD full of AutoCAD stuff - files, settings, etc. There is also a whole DVD's worth of portfolio stuff. Again, much of it the same, but you never know, so I'm putting it all in one place.


V said...

i know that feeling... i had a ton of zip disks. not exactly sure how i was to get the information off of them now that that hardware is obsolete. so i trashed 'em. will i ever need that stuff? probably not... and it felt good to get rid of some stuff.

jmlo said...

it certainly felt good to go through some of it.

the portfolio stuff i could weed through some more - some of it was just .jpgs of final portfolio pages - those wont help me now - so i fee like i probably only need the master files, and maybe .jpgs of the last two versions - not 5 years worth of portfolio work.

the miscellaneous stuff i could probably pitch entirely - do i need crappy poems from freshman year of highschool? no. english papers from college? no.

Designer Jules said...

I would love to go though all of my stuff too but there are other things that I totally want to organize first.

I sadly think I still have floppy disks from grade school...don't think I am crazy.