So remember how these kids are super spoiled? Saturday I was substituting for one of our teachers (who was actually in St. Louis for a Haunted House Operator's Convention - story for another day) So during this class, I overhear one student talking to another about general things - boys, clothes, etc. Student 1 went on a date with a guy who lives/works in Houston, so he flew her down there to go on this date, cause he couldn't make it up here for the weekend. Student 2 thought this was great news, but student 1 didn't see it going anywhere because his shoes had some sort of detailing that she just didn't like. also, the distance puts a damper on the whole thing.
Student 1 then tells student 2 that she's decided that she knows what she's asking for as a graduation gift (keep in mind she's at least 3 quarters away from graduation) She tells student 2 she's going to ask her grandparents for an "around the world" plane ticket, with at least 8 stops. She's then going to ask her mom and dad for spending money to use at each of these stops. She's thinking about stopping somewhere in south america, australia, japan, india, maybe egypt, paris and london for sure. A few other places if she can think of anything cool to do/visit.
I don't know about you, but i know that 1.) i never would have asked for anything for graduation, and b.) never, for any occasion, would i think it was okay to ask for a gift like this. ever.
i cannot believe how spoiled and clueless these kids are. it amazes me every day that i am here.
i specifically remember after graduation hoping i could get a J-O-B. thoughts of gallivanting around the world were nowhere in sight!!!!! (or maybe they were thoughts never uttered aloud.)
I know, right! gallivanting around would have been awesome. it still would be - but being an adult takes priority.
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