i was talking to my brother, wishing him a happy birthday - 'cause it's his birthday - and we got on the topic of games (video and otherwise). normally, when we talk, we end up at movies and music and games. this time we were discussing fun time eating games you find online - flash based games and the like. he pointed me to a few, and i remembered this site, where you can spend hours trying to get things right - so i'll link it here for anyone who wants to give it a go:
www.eyemaze.com - grow games
this might be the easiest one to start with - they can get really complicated. the premise is this: click on icons to make things happen. after you click something, anything and everything in the level will "grow" your goal is to "grow" each item to the max level. in this first example, you are sick. you need to get better. do you start with fire? with the medicine? with the lady? you decide. after you chose your first item, things happen. after each subsequent choice, things happen. can you grow everything to the max?
if you look on the left side of the screen, the games go in order. above the mini grow games are the regular one - the shovel one is first, the block guy is second, and so on. i really like grow tower (second from top in the grow list) and galves adventure (the one with the baby in the Jobs category)
have fun, and good luck.
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