English as a second language? More like 3rd or 4th. Because this is an art school, these students don’t have to take basic classes like english, math, behaving in public or wiping their own butt. The lack of skill/training in the latter two is evident in the everyday interactions I have with them. They don't think for themselves, which is generally frustrating, but at times it’s downright infuriating. They want everything given to them.
”Are you going to print that for us?”
“Are you going to put it on your t-drive?”
“Will you make copies for us?”
“How do I open that program again?”
“You're faster than we are, can't you just do it for us?”
“How do I XXX in cad again?”
“Can you look at this before class so I can change it before we turn it in for grades?”
“I won’t be in class because I'm getting veneers – I’ll turn my stuff in next week”
“I have to catch a plane for a vacation. Can you give me the test early?”
Every. Single. Day.
The lack of other skills is evident when it comes time to grade. In some classes they have to do a little research and writing. Generally it’s brief – writing design concept statements, basic design/period timelines and assessments, etc. However, at the end of the program they also have to do a portfolio, and in this portfolio they have to write explanations of their projects, as well as an overall design philosophy.
This past week I had to review portfolios as well as grade final projects for the senior class. I also caught up on some grading for furniture class, which included some writings. In addition, soon to be seniors have been submitting their proposals for projects, which we have to review. The argument I get from them is that they're designers, and they don't need to know how to write. Or that writing doesn't matter, the focus is design.
I wish they would submit PDF copies of everything - then I would share with you the horror. I understand that they are students, and we really should be focused on their design education, but I personally believe that being a functioning adult is a good thing. When they get to senior level, their projects and portfolios are being presented to professionals. Because of this added pressure, they freak out so much when you edit their stuff, and I think that's largely our (the schools) fault. We are told to grade for content of writing, not for quality or clarity. This doesn’t help them to learn or improve. They spend 11 quarters turning in drivel, and then at the very last minute we spend 11 weeks trying to explain the importance of professional writing. Good luck there.
I don’t think my frustrated paragraphs can really describe how bad it can get – but here are some examples. All of them are for reals – not made up.
Principals of Design.
Patrician walls.
Pass-though window.
Light fixteur.
Clear story windows.
Manufacture's instruction.
And, finally, my personal favorite:
bookshelve. you know, the singular form of bookshelves.
Next week, I’ll share some of the best "design solutions" that have come across my desk.
i guess i can somewhat understand the students not realizing that in the 'real world' they will need to know how to write. This will be something they will be doing as a designer - not just designing. I mean, at least use spell check. what about the school? they defiantly know that designers just don't design. i feel for ya man :)
I have decided this is a generational thing. My team at work is mostly 4-6 years younger than we are, and they share similar attitudes. Sounds like it is only getting worse, as your kids are another 4-5 years behind my guys. There is a certain creeping sense of entitlement. Unfortunately these people will be real adults one day, in charge of projects and people...yikes.
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