Friday, April 15, 2011

Little Horn [Marilyn Manson]

this week: HORNS! (and saxaphone)

the bjork video is weird, but i do love that horn bit towards the end. for a while there was a video of her performing it live, and she really got into it.

the cure song is one of my absolute favorites of theirs.

gomez is an acquired taste, but i love the way this song builds up to the horn and sax-a-ma-phone part.

*edit* apparently i cant embed the gomez one, so you can click the link instead

gomez, detroit swing 66

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great googly moogly! look how young and beautiful robert smith is!

ps : do i have to put my name on each of my comments? just wondering, not sure how this all goes down. i guess i am thinking along the lines that since i am posting as anonymous you wouldn't know it was me.

pss : glint is the word verification i had to type in this time. i know this is doing something, but not sure exactly what.